Week 75

Hey hey!

Ready for a miracle?? We saw in our area book that our neighbor, Nanna, had talked to the missionaries before. She's JW and didn't seem to interested before, but we felt that we should try her again. So we knocked and she was on the phone so she said come back in 10 mins.

Well, I guess we waited too long because she started asking all the neighbors where we were and kept saying "I need to talk to the sisters!"

So we showed up and she let us right in and said she wanted to hear what we have to teach! WHAT! (That rarely happens btw lol) so we taught her the restoration and this lady was TAKING NOTES and asking some awesome questions during the whole thing! She basically committed herself to read from and pray about the Book of Mormon and wants us to come back!

God just laid that right in our lapsπŸ™Œ thank you very much

I also got to go on exchanges with Sister Maschino! She's basically my favorite person and is SO fun! It was a party! (Except I was back on a bike...in the snow. But we made it fun 😁)

Speaking of snow, we've gotten snow like every day this week. I actually haven't hated it too bad. I guess it just takes 18 months to learn to enjoy snow. Amazing lol

Other fun news about the week:

•We were able to have 2 stellar lessons w Sasha!

•I went to my very.last.zone.conference this week 😲🀯

•On Saturday we helped with a stake activity day's event. We had a station and we taught all the girls how to correctly bear testimony when their friends ask them questions. It was SO fun!

•On Sunday we got a ride to Baker City, Oregon (about 2 hrs west) for a baptism of a girl Sister Yeates taught. It was so fun to see that part of the mission! (Its kinda like McCall...not many people get to go out there)

Friends! I know that as you have faith in Jesus Christ, that that faith will lead you to want to repent and become better. As you do so, you will have a desire to align your life with God's (either through baptism, or taking the sacrament after baptism).

I love my God!!

Sister Erika Hales


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