Week 3!!

Hi guys!

So I made it to Idaho and my first area is Star, Idaho. If you don't know where that is, look it up haha. It's this tiny town near Nampa. My trainer is Sister Ray. She just finished being trained herself (she's only been out 2 transfers) but she's awesome! My first day here was soo so long. I got up at 3 am at the MTC and made it to Boise by 10:30 am. My mission President,   President Sorensen, his wife and the APs were at the airport to pick us up. We went back to the church building near the mission office and had some training and interviews. Then we went tracting. Probabaly the scariest 2 hours of my life haha! Not gonna lie, it was pretty hard having people slam the door in my face and tell me that the thing I love the most (this gospel) isn't true and that I shouldn't ever come back to their house. BUT, it was a great learning moment and most people were very polite even if they weren't interested.
Idaho is already cold which isn't good because I don't have a coat here yet. (my mom hasn't sent it yet) I have to borrow one from another sister in the mean time. Star, Idaho is all farms. Lots of corn and potatoes (Typical haha) Believe it or not, but I've had potatoes at like every dinner since I've been here (shocker right?). Good thing I like potatoes!
The best part about being a missionary is that almost everyone here owns a dog so I get to pet lots of dogs every day. I love it :)
This week was rough because I've been sick the whole time. I caught something my last day in the MTC and it hasn't gone away since. It started out as a sore throat and then I lost my voice and then I got a cough and congestion and now to add to all of that, I have an ear infection. To make things worse, this week I did a lot of meeting people for the first time and I either couldn't talk, or I'm coughing like crazy. Aweeessooommmme lolol
Friday night I woke up with immense pain in my left ear. It felt like someone was stepping on my ear drum. It was amazing though because I was trying to decide if I should text the mission nurse or not. I didn't want to bother her but right as I was thinking about it, she texted us and asked how I was feeling. It was so random but exactly what I needed. There have been countless experiences like this that I've already seen. Some might say they're just coincidences, but I don't believe in coincidences when there's a God like ours. I got an antibiotic though, so I should be feeling better soon!
Thursday we spent the day at the dealership because our car has been overheating. And by spent the day at the dealership, I mean 7.5 hours. Like ALL DAY. And then the doctor on Saturday. So yeah, it's been a rough couple of days.
So funny story. After the dealership , we went to go get dinner. We were in Nampa and neither of us know the area so we were following the GPS. All of the sudden we drove by the Boise temple. (In case you don't know, the Boise temple is outside of our mission boundaries and you're not supposed to go outside the mission) So whoops! Lol we kinda freaked out and turned right around but I was laughing so hard because we had already spent the whole day at the dealership and so of course we'd go outside the mission boundaries. It fit the day perfectly.
We went to go see an old black lady named Margie. She's from Georgia and has a thick southern accent and is famous for her paddle which she uses to "straighten them kids out". Of course she showed it to me hahaa. Every time we visit her she says "have y'all come to bring me the good word?" hahaha i love it because it's a little piece of home in Idaho.  she's gonna teach us how to make sweet potato pie.
So we live with a member in their trailer. They live on a farm so it's cute and smelly hahaha. We also have some house pets. Mice. Lots and lots of mice. Mice aren't living with us, we're living with mice. At night you can hear them running around. So gross, but I've slightly gotten over my fear of mice because I see them so much.
For you BYU football fans, Tanner Mangum's home ward is one of the wards I cover. His dad came and introduced himself to me. I feel somewhat cool now lolol. They're super nice people though. Speaking of the wards I cover, the members are on FIRE here! They're so ready to do missionary work! I love it! The Meridian temple is in this stake and so everyone is inviting everyone they know to the open house. It's great! As sister missionaries, we're going to be helping with that (That was my dream so I'm so pumped!!) We have a meeting about it next week where we'll find out more information, but we'll probably be in the stake center showing a video before the tour and answering questions. It's such a great missionary opportunity because everyone knows about and has seen the temple! Some people are waiting for members to give them an invitation because they don't know that they can go without a ticket. I'm so so excited!!
Sorry this letter was a bit out of order. We did so much this week it was hard to keep track of everything. I love being a missionary!! I love Idaho!

and I'd love to get emails from you all!!
3 Nephi 18:24

I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Hales

This sunflower was HUGE

The view from our place

Someone paid for our dinner. SO NICE

Sister Ray and I

This place is called Freezeout Hill I think (or something like that) and it's very accurate. It was so cold and windy


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