Week 5

Whadda week it's been!

Last Monday for Pday we went and walked around the Meridian Temple. What a gorgeous building! Then we went bowling as a district!! It was so much fun! My district is way cool! 
Several days this week we went over to a less active members home who just moved in and helped her unpack. What a sweet family! 

Tuesday night we had dinner with a lady who said she was the aunt of one of the elders that  was in my MTC district. Kinda cool haha! She has a gorgeous, brand new grand piano and she let me play it!!! AND she let me look through her music and play whatever I wanted! Ahh it was the best! That night we went to visit people and either no one was home or they weren't interested. I was feeling pretty discouraged by the end of the night, but as we were sitting in the car trying to decide who we should visit next we saw a guy and his son walking their dog down the street. Sister Ray and I both looked at each other and without saying anything, we both got out of the car and talked to the man. We invited him to the temple open house. Turns out his family is all LDS but he's not a member. Not sure if anything will come out of that or not,  but it was cool that Sis Ray and I didn't even have to say anything to each other. We both felt the spirit prompt us to talk to him. There have been so many more experiences like that!

Wednesday morning was rough for me. I was feeling so homesick and very discouraged. We went to the food bank like we do every Wednesday morning and Sandra (a lady that works there and is also in one of our wards) pulled me aside and told me that she knows my grandma and that they're good friends! It was such a tender mercy to have that little piece of my grandma there right as I needed it. Heavenly Father is so aware of us. How grateful I am for that sweet moment!
Wednesday was Elder Newton's birthday so we all went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. (Elder Newton and Elder Denney are the elders in Star with us) Super fun!

That day we had our training for the temple open house. President asked me to play the piano so of course I couldn't say no haha. They're having all of the Nampa sisters and all of the Boise sisters in the temple!
After our training we got to have a tour of the temple. You guys. WOW. That's all I can say. What an incredibly gorgeous building. The spirit was so amazing and it's not even dedicated yet!! Then all the sisters were given a gift. It's a wooden jewelry box with the meridian temple carved on the lid! I love it!

That night we taught Gary his last new member lesson. Kinda sad it was the last one but he's so excited to go to the temple!

Thursday we had District meeting. I was asked to share a miracle that I've seen so far in the mission. It got me thinking about all the big and small miracles that have occurred. Heavenly Father wants to bless us. Sometimes we just have to ask for those blessings before he gives them to us. I'm so grateful that I was able to think about that this week because it's really helped me see the Lord's hand in my life every day.

Friday was 3-week follow up. I got to see all of my friends from the MTC that came out with me. And of course, I got to see Sister Tuft who was my comp in the MTC. I've missed them all so much! I get to see Sis Tuft a lot now though because we're both working in the temple! She's such a blessing in my life. 
Basically, 3 week follow up was just the same training they gave to us when we first got here but they're afraid  we don't remember any of it because we were all so tired the first day. They're probably right haha! They fed us lunch though so I wasn't complaining lol

That night we had dinner with Sandra (from the food bank). She emailed my grandma a picture of me. She's also an AMAZING cook!!

Saturday we went to Harvey's' house and watered his trees and stacked the hay. Harvey is a funny guy!

That night we went to a baptism. (not ours sadly) but as we walked in the doors they asked me if I would lead the music. I said yes, of course. I guess the people who were supposed to lead and give the baptism talk hadn't shown up yet. So when it came time for the talk, they asked sister Ray on the spot if she would give it. She did great! That's what the missionary name tag does to ya I guess. Always gotta have a talk in your pocket. 

Sunday was fast Sunday! I bore my testimony in the Park Lane ward which is about the size of my whole stake back home haha. We had dinner with the bishop's family and then we played Farkle which is a game my family would always play. It reminded me so much of home. It was good though and much needed. 

Monday was not pday which was such a hard thing hahaha BUT we got to start working in the temple!! We show a little video at the beginning of the tour and then we're also at the end of the tour in the reception tent taking pictures and answering questions. It's pretty fun but we've watched the video so much that I already have some of it memorized lol. By the end of these 5 weeks I'll be able to recite the whole video haha! The VIP tours are happening right now so its kinda slow. But the regular tours for the public start Oct 21st and it'll hopefully pick up and more people will come!

Monday and Tuesday we were scheduled to be at the temple from 11 am to 9 pm. But Monday they didn't end up needing us after like 6. It was perfect though because we were able to go to the Urgent care again (yes that's right AGAIN) because I'm still having pain in my ears. Turns out I have another different ear infection in both ears this time. My body is not liking this missionary thing I guess haha. My companion has been so patient with me though between all the doctors visits and long nights.
I'm back on more medicine though so hopefully this is the end of all this craziness. I woudn't mind a few prayers though :)
Because of the temple, pdays are gonna be different every week (probably). Next week it'll be Monday again!

I love my Savior. I think I say that every week, but it's such a huge part of my testimony so I just want to tell it to everyone all the time! 
Alma 26:12 and Alma 38:5. Both are AWESOME scriptures! 

I love you guys!!

Sister Hales

Meridian Temple Open House

Bowling as a district

There are still mice....if you were wondering :)))


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