Week 8

Hello again!

It's been a short week since I just wrote on Wednesday, but I'll fill you in on what I've done since then. Thursday we had our last district meeting before transfers (in Emmett). It was sad to say goodbye to some people. It's amazing how close you can get to people in such a short amount of time when the spirit is always around!
We did a lot of 12-week (training for greenies like me haha) on Thursday because we don't have time to do it every day when we're at the temple. I watched a lot from the District...ohhh my what a cheesy video lolol.

Thursdays are awesome as a missionary because those are the days the 1st presidency get to together to pray for us. :)) Thursdays should always be good on a mission!

Mouse update: We've set so many traps I have to be careful that I don't step on any when walking around the house. AND the members we live with bought like 10 cats which is awesome because they're catching a lot of mice, but sometimes I feel like the cat lady in me has come early. SO. many. cats. lol
The mice have typically stayed out in our living room and so I didn't really mind, but lately they were coming into our room. (one ended up in my blankets...I washed them don't worry) but we noticed that there were more than usual in our room on Thursday, so we called over bro Sessions (who we live next to) and he let all the cats in to catch all the mice and he filled the holes in the house where the mice were coming in through. So there we were running around with all these cats trying to catch all these mice. I never thought I'd see myself in that situation so it was pretty funny haha. Since then, there have been way less mice so that's good!

Friday we got called in early to the temple so we pretty much stayed there all day.

Saturday we got transfer calls. I'm staying in Star with Sis Ray (kind of a given since she's still training me, but you never know I guess). Most of us are staying actually, except for a few elders who are leaving. Like I said earlier, it's hard to say goodbye to other missionaries :(
That morning we did service with Elder Denney and Elder Newton one last time before Elder Denney leaves :( We also went to the Star community trunk or treat for a little bit. It kind of stinks that missionaries can't dress up for Halloween, but I don't mind too much because Halloween isn't my favorite. People did think we were dressed up as "those Mormons" and when we told them that we were actually real missionaries a couple of them gave us a hard time about it. With the new temple being built and the open house going on, everyone knows about Mormons and they either love us or really don't like us at all. You just learn how to smile and move on.

I'm reading the Book of Mormon again and I'm going through finding all of the references to the Savior. It's already been a huge blessing to me and has helped my relationship with Jesus Christ grow!

I love you and Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father love you so much!

Sister Hales xoxo

Our washer decided to freak out haha

Random Zone Conf pics

Spending the day in Emmett
We did a photoshoot so enjoy some typical missionary pics haha


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