Week 23


This week we went on exchanges. I stayed in meridian and Sister Robertson who is a 2 transfer missionary came with me. She is so sweet!

On Wednesday I went to another zone conference to help set up phones. Since more missionaries are starting to get their phones, I've been getting more and more calls about problems that need to be fixed. It keeps me busy for sure!
(In case you were wondering...Jesus was my Valentine this year 😉hahaha)

So with the phones, we now have to transfer all our paper records in our area books to the phone. By hand. Word for word. It's not fun right now, but it'll be super efficient in like 6 months. Its actually really neat what technology is doing to help missionary work!! I'm excited!

So on Thursday we went to the mission office to pick up our brand new car!!!!...sorta. It's not brand new and it's not really our car lolol the members we live with are having their son stay with them for the week, so we got kicked out. We're living in Nampa this week and since that's about a 25 min drive, we need a car. We're feeling super spoiled and blessed to have a car. Especially since it's supposed to be way cold this week. Its gonna be rough giving it back haha! It's the little things we take for grantid, I'm tellin ya!

So we met a couple of potential investigators this week! I'm really hoping they'll want to learn more and become investigators soon!!

On Sunday we taught Annabelle another new member lesson and they sang us another song in micronesean! It's seriously SO cool! They also showed us how to do the Poly hula dance thing where your hips move in impossible ways lololol it was super fun even though I didn't even get close to doing it right haha!

We ended the night at the Brush family's house for journal and ice cream Sunday. We got a prompt and all wrote in our journals and ate ice cream. I.love.them.
They have become my home away from home and are proof that Heavenly Father is watching out for me! Lovelovelove

Sister Zimmerman and I work our tails off, but also have so much fun together! It's nice to have a companion that's also your friend!

This week I've been studying Humility. One of the many scriptures that I loved was 1 Peter 5: 5-7, 10
One thing that I've learned is humility is key to growth. We have to align our will with God's and often that's not an easy thing to do.
Verse 10 is a little gem that I found. To me it's saying that we have to be humbled and go through hard times for a little bit, but eventually through Jesus Christ we are able to be perfected and strengthened. What a beautiful promise!

Here's a new favorite quote by Elder Uchtdorf
"Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, God loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely."

Sister Erika Hales

Annabelle's sister, Mandy, soooo cute!!
We were so excited about having a car we had to take pictures haha

Zone Conference


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