Week 25

Hi hi!

So first things first Sister Zimmerman and I are staying together in Meridian!! Whoohoo!! I'm really happy because things are really picking up here even though our area is TINY. There's always things to do and people to find even if our area is less than a square mile. It just takes a little more work. Also, Sister Zimmerman and I get along really well and work super hard! It's a fun time with her!!

Second thing, I cut my hair! There's a sister in my zone who went to cosmetology school before the mish so she cuts hair for free!! So last pday I was gonna get a trim but decided last minute to just chop it off! So that happened 💇‍♀️

We found a new investigator this week...sorta. Her name's Nita and she's had a really really hard life but has a strong belief in God. Fun fact about her: She loves rats. She had at least 10 naked giant rats running around. It was uhh interesting to say the least. But she came to church on Sunday!! Which was a regional broadcast from Salt Lake for the whole state of Idaho. It was so so good! Our stake president was quoted during it and President Nelson spoke too which was just the icing on the cake! Sooo good!!

We had another lesson with Morgan on Sunday! Our bishop came and sat in. He is AMAZING!! And she's amazing so the lesson was just fantastic!

We also had stake correlation with our stake president and mission president. It was great! I love President Peterson (the stake president) so so much!! I always feel like I can conquer the world after talking to him!

We had our last district meeting last Wednesday and it was so sad because there were 2 missionaries going home so we had a "funeral" for them. I also had to say goodbye yesterday to a sister that I came out with. She's going home for surgery and it's SO sad. The friendships on the mission are so real. And it's really hard to see people you love go home.

We have a couple of potential investigators that we're trying to start teaching. It's taken hard work and many hours to start building up our teaching pool, but things are finally starting to happen!! It's all very exciting!!

We attended a relief society activity this last week and the whole theme of the night was Finding Joy In The Journey.

President Nelson said,
"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation … and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy”

I know a lot of times I blame my unhappiness on the trials I'm facing at the time. I remember thinking "I'll be happy when I graduate." Or "when Friday comes I'll finally be happy". When I think back, I see so many days that I wasted because I was waiting for happiness to come to me. But that's a silly way to live! We can find joy in TODAY. We don't have to wait until summer or until we finally turn 18. We can be happy right now! As long as we are focusing our lives on our Savior, we can be cheerful even on our hardest days!!

Mosiah 24: 13-15

I love you all!! If you ever have any questions about what I'm doing as a missionary, please reach out to me by email/Facebook messenger! I'd love to hear from all of you!

Also I won't be writing until Wednesday next week because we get to go to the temple on our pday!! Ahhhh im so excited!!! Talk to you Wednesday!

Sister Erika Hales

Ps if anyone has any awesome ideas of ways to share the gospel on Facebook let me know! We want to do things that are creative and fun so it'll get peoples attention, but we need ideas! So send 'em my way! :)

The "funeral"

This is Mina. She's become my mission grandma and we see her every week when we go to the rest home. Isn't she the cutest??

My 6 month mark

We love the Brush family!!


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