Week 26

Sup ma dudes

Tuesday was transfers and like you all probably know, Sister Zimmerman and I are still together! *happy dance*
That evening for dinner we went to a family's house and little did we know...they owned a bear!!! Well...kinda. it's actually a Newfoundland dog named Gus, but he minds well be a bear because he's HUGE! We had fun cuddling with him ❤

Fun fact: the weather has been Ahhhmazing this week! Like one day I didn't even wear a jacket or tights!! I'm always a little happier when the sun is shining and it's warm out! So grateful!

On Wednesday, we visited an inactive member named Kara. We didn't know that she was on the do not contact list, so we visited her a few weeks ago and somehow convinced her to let us come back and visit (but only us, no one else from the ward) so we did that on Wednesday and had an awesome visit!! So awesome that she said we should come back again and that we shouldn't wait as long this time because she'd missed us (but actually, she was missing feeling the spirit again...we're not THAT exciting)

On Friday, we helped a potential investigator named Kristine pack up her grandma's stuff (she just passed away so Kristines putting all her stuff away) she's way awesome and loves having us over! She says she's not ready to be baptized right now (she's had a lot of Mormon family members pressure her to the point that she doesn't wanna join now) but we are definitely planting seeds! You never know what will come of it!

We had a stake women's conference on Saturday which was awesome!! It was all about food storage/budgeting! The best part was that they fed us afterwards 😊

That night we went to a Brazilian family's house for a Brazilian pizza night! The 2 Brazilian elders nearby also came! It was really fun trying all the different kinds of pizza! One had peas, corn and egg on it and believe it or not, but it wasn't as bad as it sounds! It was my little taste of a foreign mission. Literally! hahaha!

Our investigator, Morgan has been out of town this week so we didn't get to teach her a lesson, but we did teach a new member lesson to Annabelle on Sunday! We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Like most Sunday nights we went to the Brush family's house for journals and ice cream. The prompt this week was "What's in a name? What does it mean to be a [Hales]? What does it mean to take upon us the name of Christ?"
Just some food for thought

Fun fact #2: on Sunday we had 7 investigators/potential investigators come to church!! SEVEN!! That's pretty big for Idaho...especially for our tiny area!! Woohoo!!

Monday we had FHE with some members who have small kids, so we taught about how the Holy Ghost is like a blanket. When we feel him, it almost feels like we're wrapped in a blanket. So we did an activity where we wrote the roles of the Holy ghost on strips of paper (comforts, testifies, warns etc) and then wove them together to make a blanket. (We tapped it to a piece of paper and drew ourselves under the blanket) hope that makes sense! It was fun and helped the kids stay engaged in the lesson! I love teaching kids!! It's my favorite!!

Well we get to go to the temple today!! I'm so so so so so excited!!! The Meridian temple is seriously one of the prettiest temples I've ever seen! It might just be my favorite ❤

Yesterday we had Zone Conference. We had more training on how to use our phones more effectively. We also talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. It got me thinking about just how powerful that book is! We don't have to try to bring the spirit when reading that book because it's already overflowing with the spirit!! If you are truly searching and trying to find out if its true, I PROMISE that you will receive an answer! And that the answer will be YES! It's gotta be one incredible book for me to be able to promise something like that!!
Our mission president challenged us to not only include the Book of Mormon in every lesson, but to also read it with everyone! The bishop, the primary president, the members we have dinner with...EVERYONE!!
We are not the teachers...the spirit is, and the best way for the spirit to teach is through the Book of Mormon! In the words of Joseph Smith, "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by its [the book of mormon's] precepts, than by any other book"
Pretty dang cool, huh? So go read it! Right now! I promise it will change your life!

Go make someone smile today!

Sister Erika Hales

Gus the Newfoundland

Holy Ghost blankets

 Me & Zimmy


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