Week 28

Yo yo wuddup

What a week it's been! I feel like it went sooo fast and so slow at the same time. I'm convinced that time doesn't actually exist on a mission. It's the weirdest thing

Last Tuesday we had a cool experience. We were trying to contact an old referral that showed up in our phones whose name is Samantha. She didn't end up living there, but an older couple did. The man talked to us for a while! He's not a member but his son who is moving there is. Anyway we gave him our number and a pass-along card. Not sure if anything will come out of it, but at least he has that positive experience to look back on. It's not that amazing of a story, but we don't get many opportunities to just tract here, so it was fun to accidentally tract! Lol I felt like I was a missionary from a movie...not sure if that makes sense. A lot of people view missionaries as these perfect robots. Well, we aren't perfect, and we don't tract all day everyday. Maybe some do in other missions, but not in Meridian Idaho haha
SO we were trying to decide if we should drop Samatha since she didn't live there or if we should text her. We both felt like we should text her and she ended up being very happy that we did!! She was almost baptized a couple of years ago but had to move and lost contact with the missionaries. She lives in Boise, so we got her hooked up with the elders that live over there!! So cool!! We've found that missionary work today is very universal. Especially with online proselyting, we find people and then give them to the missionaries in their area. It's not about the numbers...which is for sure easier said than done, but we have to remember that it's all the lords work! And we all work together to make it happen!!

Our investigator Morgan moved to Boise, so we got permission to still teach her because her fellowshippers are here. She'll be able to be baptized here, but has to be confirmed in her Boise ward where she lives. It's kinda sad because we won't be able to go to her confirmation (and we're just handing the other mission a free baptism) but that doesn't matter! And if it does matter to them, then they're probably not ready to be baptized.

Anyway sorry for the rant.. that's just something I've been thinking a lot about this week.

Wednesday we had district meeting and it was quite possibly the best one I've ever been to. We went in depth of the Atonement and talked about every single thing Christ did in those days leading up to his crucifixtion and during the hours he suffered for us. And you guys. Wow. Especially with Easter coming up, the spirit was SO strong! It was definitely an answer to my prayers!

We had some funky weather this week! Wednesday and Thursday it rained (which NEVER happens here bc we're in the desert...so I was very excited!!! I didn't even care that we had to walk and were drenched, I LOVED it!) Friday and Saturday were beautiful days!! Sunny with a cool breeze! And then Sunday it SNOWED!! Like I'm talking loooots of snow! For some reason I wasn't quite as excited about walking in the snow. At the end of March. A week before Easter. During SPRING.

But it should melt pretty quick.. At least I hope! Haha!

We went to a members house to stuff Easter eggs and there were a bunch of nonmembers there who were asking us about our missions and what a typical day as a missionary was like. LOVE It! Those are the best opportunities for missionary work! Casual conversation in a casual situation!

We had a lesson with Nita and taught her the Restoration and read from the BofM together! It was fun to go through each verse and talk about what was happening so she could understand it better. It definitely helped me gain a better understanding of the Book of Mormon as well!

So after our lesson with Nita we realized that we were pretty close to Dutch Bros (which is a popular coffee/hot chocolate place here) so we decided to walk there to get some hot chocolate. As we were waiting for our drinks, an older couple came up to us and started talking. They introduced themselves as the Murphys. Turns out that Ryan Murphy is their son!!! (If you don't know who that is he's one of the directors for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!! He works with Mack Wilberg all the time!!) Ahhh so cool!! There's my inner choir nerd coming out hahaa!!

We also found out that we get 50% off at Great Harvest! They just opened a new one in our area, so we went! Not only did we get 50% off, but someone actually paid for us. It's always so crazy to me when people offer to pay for us because I just feel like me. No one special. But we are definitely very blessed here!

After that we walked to the temple and studied on the grounds. It was muuuuch needed! We went inside the church building next door to sync our phones, and while we were inside it rained and by the time we came out it had stopped. So we didn't have to walk in the rain. What a blessing.

Saturday we helped make baby food with a less active member! We never get inside, so this was a big deal! And she's gonna feed us this Saturday!! What!! So good!

We had our last lesson with Morgan on Sunday. It was amazing as always. Not sure if I mentioned this already, but she goes to the temple waiting room and reads the Book of Mormon for hours! And shes befriended a less active and reactivated her! She's not even a member yet!!
At the lesson she said "I'm so glad you two are MY missionaries" That was the moment I knew she was the reason I got called to Idaho. Every single hard moment was worth it to find her. Something else she said that touched me was "I'm so happy to finally fall in love with life and not dread it anymore. And it's all because of Jesus Christ."

So good you guys, so good.

Ya know what else is gonna be SO good? General conference!!! Next Sunday is April fools (the worst day of the entire year...besides the spring forward time change. That might have it beat lol), EASTER (the best holiday in my opinion), and general conference (If you've ever heard that conference is like Christmas for missionaries...just know that that's 100% true!) So 2 amazzzzing things are gonna be on Sunday and I seriously cannot wait!!!!

As we prepare for it this week, let's think of some questions we can take into conference! I promise you can receive an answer! There's nothing better than hearing the living prophet and Christ's apostles speak to us! I'm counting down the days!

I hope everyone has a super week!!

Sister Erika Hales

I had no idea these were a thing. Spicy starbursts. Just wanted to share with the world even though you all probably know this already haha

RAIN. We were soaked

Finally got a picture with the Meridian sign!

Studying at the temple one day :)


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