Week 34

Fun fact: here in Kuna we don't need alarms because we have a rooster that wakes us up well before 6:30.

Animal update this week: i saw bunnies, a horse, a donkey, a wolf. Yes, a WOLF. Whistlepigs (theyre like giant rat things. Idk if thats the official name, but that's what everyone here calls them) guinea hens (again, WEIRD animal that looks like a mini peacock chicken thing) and last but certainly not least, a snake. Our dinner on Sunday lived in the middle of NOWHERE and their 16 yr old son is a snake whisperer I swear lol he finds wild snakes and holds them and stuff. So obviously I had to try too, right? Hahahaha it was fun just chillin with this snake. Im not even surprised with all these weird animals anymore lol it's just life

This morning for pday we went hiking with the zone. (Which is why im emailing later than usual) We went to a place called Celebration Park in Melba, ID and it was gorgeous!!

On Tuesday I got a call saying that my old companion, Sister Hannes was going home for health issues. So we met up that night to say goodbye. It's really sad seeing people go home. Especially old companions. Comp love is a real thing. Anyway, I wish her the best and hope she can recover quickly!

Wednesday we had Zone conference! An Elder and I did a musical number together. I played the piano and he played the cello and we did the song A Poor Wayfarying Man of Grief. It was really fun and the spirit was so strong.

We then had the opportunity to share what we learned from general conference and it was such a neat experience! I love being around other missionaries. I think we just get used to the feeling of having the spirit so strongly in our lives that we forget the impact we can have on other's lives. But being around other missionaries reminds me of that.

I also played the piano for the opening and closing songs (no surprise there) and during the closing song we sang Where can I Turn for Peace and the spirit just flooded the room. It was so cool to just be able to listen to all these missionaries singing. There's something very powerful about missionaries singing together and I was lucky enough to witness it. Love love love!

Wednesday night we helped at mutual #throwback lolol maaaaan that brought back some [painful] memories haha!

On Thursday we did service for a potential investigator, Tammy. We helped her clean up her farm a bit and then she taught us how to groom a horse. And we got to lead the horse around (we can't ride so that's the closest we could get haha) it was so fun! She also has a donkey named Amigo who is just the cutest thing ever. We're Bffs now❤ You might even say he's... mi amigo.....ahhhh I crack myself up. (I think my inner dad jokes are coming out #sendhelp)

Thursday evening we were able to teach Rylen (the 10 yr old) another lesson and Sister Hopkins committed him to baptism on June 9th! It was her first time and she did great! #proudmom

Saturday started off kinda rough. I had NO motivation to get this companionship going and i had like zero patience. Also, I was very homesick (which is a rare thing nowadays) so, not a very good start to the day. I kept pleading with Heavenly Father to help me change my attitude. Well, door after door of NOTHING we finally got into an inactive's house and she took us right in and fed us watermelon and let us pick out fabric for the pillow cases she's gonna teach us how to make. It was such a motherly thing and was so little but made a huge impact on me.
Then we went to visit another family named the Dudleys and it turns out that they lived in Hope Mills for a while and were in the Hope Mills 2nd ward! AND they know my "uncle" David Lockhart and his family! Such a small world but that little bit of home was exactly what I needed.

It's so crazy how we're sent out to help people, but a lot of the time its them helping me.

This is just more proof that God knows us. He knows what we need and when we need it. And he cares enough to make it happen.

It's the little things.

Sunday was fast Sunday which are always so good on the mish! I prayed for extra strength and patience to get through 9+ hrs of church, and God provided! We had 1 investigator at church, Rylen our 10 yr old inv who's on date to be baptized. Unfortunately, neither April nor Leticia came to church. We were really hoping Leticia would come so we could set up a time to teach her, but everyone has their agency and theres nothing we can do about that. Except pray. And fast! (Which are probably 2 of the best things we could do!)
Sunday night we visited with a less active couple. They are HILARIOUS! Like, I was laughing so hard I was crying (y'all who know me real well know exactly what I'm talking about lolol). I haven't laughed that hard in a while and it was so good for my soul.

Alma 38:5 "And now my son, Shiblon*, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day"

*Insert your name in place of Shiblon

Stay classy!

Sister Erika Hales


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