Week 37

Happy [belated] Memorial Day!!

I hope everyone had a fun weekend and took a minute to reflect on this amazing country that God has given us and the people who fight for our freedom! I'm feeling very blessed this weekend ❤

First off, tomorrow is my half way mark!!! WHAT! Is anyone else in shock bc I am!🙋‍🙋‍🙋‍

This week is transfer week! (Which is why im emailing on Tuesday) I'm staying in Kuna in the trio for another transfer where we'll finish training Sister Hopkins.

Last Tuesday we had interviews with our Mission President. I always love being able to talk to him. He told me some things that were just what I needed to hear. I truly believe it when they say you're called to your mission president. So good.

We had a miracle happen on Tuesday as well. We were visiting old Potential Investigators from the area book and we felt very strongly that we needed to visit a Lady named Mary. So we knocked and found out that Mary doesn't live there anymore, but Jenny does. Jenny is a very inactive member who just moved in only a month ago. She seemed very surprised that we had found her so soon. I simply said to her "Heavenly Father needs you on His side right now, so he led us to you." She agreed to let us come back! Pretty cool.

But that's not all. She's living with a guy named Jimmy (Jimmy & Jenny hehe) and he's not a member. He offered us a beer while spitting out innappropriate & offensive comments...in a strangely nice way hahahaha Poor Hopkins looked like a deer in headlights. Not exactly what you'd call "golden", but hey, you never know who God is preparing! The spirit can change hearts.

Wednesday we had correlation with one of our ward mission leaders at Idaho Pizza Co. Apparently it's supposed to be Idaho's best pizza, but to me it tasted like regular plain jane pizza hahaha. I guess It doesn't help that I'm absolutely sick of pizza. We get it SO much here. But I'm not complaining ;)

On Wednesday we FINALLY got into a house that normally doesn't answer the door! That's a good feeling! And kinda awkward bc you're not expecting them to answer so you're not super prepared for what comes after you get in hahahaha

Fun fact: it's been storming every evening this week and I'm loving it!!

On Thursday we weekly planned at the park next to a little river. The weather is so so so nice right now and I'm soaking up every bit of it!

On Saturday we felt like we should visit Leticia. (the one who came to church and asked where she could buy a BOM lol) The temple square missionaries who had been chatting with her on mormon.org gave us her address and so we prayed really hard (we don't wanna mess this one up) and felt like we should go on Saturday. Well we drove up and it was major sketch. Like Idaho is pretty chill most of the time, but it has its areas that are questionable. We weren't even sure if it was the right house. Oh and there were all these crazy dogs going wild and jumping on the car as we drove up. So uh we were a little intimidated, but I thought of "5 seconds of courage" and started walking to the door. And it was like the red sea parting except with dogs lol. We were able to walk right through them all the way to the door.

Isiah, Leticia's brother who also came to church that one Sunday answered. Unfortunatly he told us that Leticia had to move back to California. :( it explains why she just fell off the earth and wouldn't reply to us at all. I'm super bummed, but I know it'll be okay because God is in charge. He'll guide the missionaries in California to her. I believe that 100%!

Well, we still had Isiah there so I asked him if he wants to come to church again and he said yes and that he's going to try to come next week. We're praying really hard that he will come to church on Sunday!

Saturday night we went to a baptism for the elders. Elder Newton asked me (on FRIDAY....the day before) if I would play a musical number with him for the baptism. Hahaha oh man. It wasn't too bad for having less than 24 hours to prepare. Go me!

For Memorial day yesterday we went to our ward mission leaders house and had hamburgers and played volleyball. The weather was amazing and it was really fun!

"You are in His hands. Very good hands. Loving hands. Caring hands"
-Elder Uchtdorf

Sister Hales


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