Week 38

Hey, hi, hello

So I could probably write my whole weekly in once sentence: All 3 of us got the flu and pretty much died all week. The end. Hahahaha

So yeah not much to report on this week...sadly. We had pday on Tuesday and by that night Sis Hopkins and Sis Anderson were throwing up. I was totally fine though and thought I was gonna make it through (bc you know, ms superwoman over here) but then God laughed at me and Wednesday night i DIED. We spent the rest of the week in bed trying to recover hahaha we're pretty much over it by now, but I'm still having a hard time eating anything (fasting was pretty easy this time around lol)

We did get to teach Rylen a lesson! The last one before his baptism this Saturday! I'm a little stressed for this baptism but it's all good lol I'm also excited!

We also visited a less active family and we got the whole family to sit in (which never happens). I felt prompted to show them a video on prayer and invited them to start praying as a family. We then all knelt together and prayed before we left. The spirit was SO strong! Love moments like that!

Okay since i have nothing else to write about I'll tell you this. Yesterday we wanted to take a picture in front of this field (pictures to come) so we pulled off to the side of the road. We weren't even there that long and sooo many people kept stopping to see if we were okay. And then they would proceed to have full on conversations with us and probably couldve talked all day. Gosh man, Idahoans are too nice lolol it was funny
Now that I think about it...thatd be a good way to talk to people about our message! Hahahaha it's like street contacting, but reverse! 😂

Oh there was also this crazy dust storm yesterday. Never seen one of those before (only in movies) but it was legit!

It's the time of year when the fields are all starting to turn green. The giant crop sprinklers are always on and the sky is usually clear and veerrryyy blue. And the weather is just perfect. I love driving with the windows down except for when we pass diary farms. Then our lungs are filled with the smell of manure and we can't breath. But other than that it's very nice :) pretty much sums up Kuna lol

Something I've learned this week is to "enjoy to the end" instead of just enduring to the end. We should find the joy in our journey! And though some days (or weeks in my case) can seem very "eh", there's always joy to be found in every situation. So next time you're having one of those days, take a minute to step back and find the tender mercies that the Lord has given you.

Remember to smile!

Sister Erika Hales


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