Week 35

Yesterday was like, the best day EVERRR! I got to talk to my family and it was awesome! Couldn't of asked for a better Mothers Day! And yes, I'm officially a [mission] mother now that I'm training hahahaha

On Tuesday we had 3 week followup (for all the new missionaries), so that took up most of our day. While we were there president had us all go around and share our testimony. One thing he's drilled into us missionaries is that testimonies should only be about things that you KNOW to be true. It's not a thank-a-mony or story-mony etc it's based around Jesus Christ and the truths that we have gained a testimony of. That way, the spirit is present the whole time (sometimes when we get sidetracked, the spirit leaves or isnt as strong) So, that keeps it fairly short and keeps the spirit there. And boy, the spirit was definitely there!! Wow! So powerful!

On Wednesday we did service and helped paint a house. It was fun! That day for comp study I had the impression that we all needed to write down our reasons for coming on a mission (and staying on a mission) and put it in an envelope in a place where we can see it everyday. That way, whenever we may be doubting or lacking motivation, we can look at that envelope and remember why we're here. Sister Hopkins said it's really helped her and it's helped me as well!

We finally got to teach our 12 year old investigator, Sophia a lesson! (She's been suuuppperrr hard to catch so we hadn't met her until then. And that was only because we had a prompting to go visit her! Love it!

We also had a member invite us over to answer their nonmember friend's questions about the church. Well, we found out that she's only 15 and didnt really have specific questions, but wants to learn about the church and take the discussions. Which is AWESOME except that she needs permission from her parents and she's afraid to ask them bc she thinks they'll say no. It was so hard not being able to teach her, but the members filled in what we legally couldn't and the spirit was SO strong! She's very prepared and has been reading the Book of Mormon! We just have to pray that her parent's hearts will soften and that she'll get the courage to ask them.

There's a sister in the mission whose appendix burst and she's pretty much bedridden for a while, so they need people to stay with her during the day so her comp can still go out and work. Since we're in a trio they asked us if one of us could. So most of Friday I spent with her. It was a good day for me to do a lot of thinking and listening to the spirit.

On Saturday we decided to go through the area book and contact former investigators. We knocked on the door of a family of 10 kids and she let us right in! She was super super nice, but is very strong in her faith. It was so cool to have a good discussion about Jesus Christ with someone of another faith! I love that we can do that in this country and in the world we live in today. Anyway, she invited us over for dinner (what!!) So I'm very excited for that! It might not go anywhere right now, but we're still planting those seeds!

On Sunday we taught primary and it was the cutest and funnest thing ever! It was a good distraction from thinking about calling home later that day hahaha!

And of course I got to talk to my family that evening. And holy cow I lucked out in the family department! I'm not sure what I did to deserve the mother (and family) that I have. They are my whole world and it made my soul so happy to talk to them.

I shared this on Facebook but I love it so much that I'll share it again haha

"And they rehearsed until me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it."
Alma 56:48

The stripling warriors found the strength to carry on because of their mothers, and I have found the same to be true for me! I do not doubt that my mother has always known. She's known what's best for me. She's known who our Savior is and taught me to learn of Him. She's known how to love me even when I was hard to love. She's always known, and I'll be forever grateful for that. If you want to know what an angel looks like, take a look at my mom! You'll know exactly what I mean the second you meet her!

I wish all the mothers out there a very happy (and belated) mother's day!

Remember to smile!

Sister Erika Hales


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