Week 40

Happy belated Father's Day!!!
Stay with me til the end and you'll hear about our awesome miracle that we had this week!!

It's been a long week! Going 2 extra days without pday is harder than it seems but it's worth it because we get to go to the Meridian temple today!!! I was thinking about how much some people sacrifice to be able to go to the temple just once (especially in other countries) and I figured I personally could sacrifice 2 more days without a break.

We went on exchanges this last week! Sister Anderson and I went with Sister Wilcox (just like last time) but this time we were in Nampa! It was fun! And Sister Hopkins did a great job leading the area for the first time! (Proud mom moment)

On exchanges, we met a lady who belly dances lololol so she showed us how to do it. Oh the things you learn on a mission haha

On Friday we had Zone Conference. It was all focused around planning lessons and short member visits. President really stressed that we should sing hymns when we visit people because music brings the spirit like nothing else. And I couldn't agree more!! So I've really enjoyed implementing that into our visits! If it were up to me, I'd probably end up singing the whole lesson ;)

SO, now for the miracle!! Monday was NOT pday so we were all just struggling. Like, our bodies knew it should've been a relax day but it wasn't. (Kinda like if you were to go to school on a Saturday...which Ive done before and its terrible in case you were wondering) Also, this area has been quite tough right now. We don't have a single investigator we can teach, so that can be pretty discouraging not gonna lie. We've all been praying so hard to be able to find someone to teach, but it seems the 2 transfers I've been here we've had little success. However, Sister Hopkins told us the other day that she had the strongest feeling that the next person we were going to teach was gonna be a middle aged lady with kids. So I sort of put that in the back of my mind as we were dragging around all morning. We had to just start visiting people, and we eventually got back into the groove.

Side note: president has also stressed that we be done with dinner by 6 every night because 6-9 pm is prime proselyting time. I was a bit skeptical because in my experience, 6-9 has been a hard time to catch people. But we've been trying to be obedient and do it anyway.

So Monday night sometime between 6 and 9 pm we decided to do some tracting (another thing I tend to be skeptical about lol) The FIRST door we knocked on who do you suppose answered? You guessed it! A middle aged woman with kids who had just moved in from California. She said "we're actually looking for religion right now so that's funny that you stopped by!!"
WHAT! I had a moment where I didn't quite know what to say because I wasn't expecting her to say she was interested!! Haha! So we gave her a Book of Mormon and our phone number and we're planning on going back to teach her!!!

Just goes to show that obedience brings blessings and miracles! And that the power of prayer is a real thing!! Heavenly father always provides and leads us to those he has prepared!

Okay I know this is becoming quite long, but I just want to share one more weird thing that happened this week. We were visiting someone and we knocked on the door, but instead of opening the door, the lady knocked back lol what. and then their giant dog came running around the house and almost bit my face and killed me. It was a fun time!..

2 Nephi 9:28 "When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not."

Trust in the Lord, ma dudes! He knows best! *cue that one song from Tangled*

Sister Erika Hales


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