Week 41

Hello again!

It's hasn't been very long since I last wrote, but I'll fill you in on these last few days.

I forgot to mention last time that there's been an outbreak of lice in our wards. They had stake girls camp 2 weeks ago and the girls all got it and brought it to church on Sunday. It was spreading to primary and nursery, so they cancelled church and sent everyone home. Needless to say, we've been wearing our hair up and avoiding the church buildings for a while. We're always super cautious when we go to dinner with members...im not tryna get lice. No thx

Wednesday we went to the Meridian temple!! I might be a bit biased right now, but it's definitely my favorite temple ;)

Also, it was so fun being back in my last area in Meridian for the day. I love that place!! The Verona and Silverleaf wards have my heart forever ❤

Wednesday night we had another miracle! #pdaymiracles
We were trying to contact a potential that we found in our area book, but it turns out that she doesn't live there anymore. However, another lady named Kristin does! And she said we could come back and share a message with her!! *happy dance!*

Fun fact: the corn fields are starting to grow again which is crazy because when I first got to the mission field, the corn fields were only a little taller than they are now! Which also that means I've almost been here a year! What!

So remember Kelly from last time? The lady we tracted into? Well, we texted her a couple of days before and she didn't reply :( But Saturday I got a gentle, quiet prompting that we should still go visit her even though she didn't reply. Neither of my comps felt anything after we prayed about it, but we decided to just try her anyway. I was super nervous about it all because the last thing we want is to be too pushy or overbearing. What if it wasn't a prompting, but just all in my head? Very nervous haha

Buuut she ended up being home and was happy to see us! We taught her a little more about the Book of Mormon and prayer at the doorstep and invited her to read and pray to know if it was true. She told us that she'd already read the first 10 pages on her own since we first met her!!! We scheduled a time to go back and teach her the first lesson! Whoohoo!!!

Trust your thoughts! They're not always yours. Sometimes they're from God.

Oh! This week we had someone who wanted to set an appointment for 3 AM, so that was a new one haha! Sadly, we had to decline lol 😂

I love Idaho! There are some weirdos here and I love it! Lol but there are some of my most favorite people here as well. I'm realizing that my time here is limited, and the end is coming way too fast. I've seen the growth in myself that's occurred over the last 10 months and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Even being with my family. As much as I miss them (and I miss them a LOT) I know that we're a forever family, so 18 months is nothing. And this work that I get to do everyday is the most important thing I could be doing right now.

I love being Sister Hales! So much I've even slept with my tag on several times because I dont want to take it off hahaha. I love training a new missionary because everything is so simple and so perfect in her eyes and she has a passion for this work. It's refreshing.

And of course, I love Jesus Christ!

Here's a quote for ya by Elder Holland,

"Life has its share of some fear and some failure. Sometimes things fall short, don’t quite measure up. Sometimes in both personal and public life, we are seemingly left without strength to go on. Sometimes people fail us, or economies and circumstance fail us, and life with its hardship and heartache can leave us feeling very alone.
But when such difficult moments come to us, I testify that there is one thing which will never, ever fail us. One thing alone will stand the test of all time, of all tribulation, all trouble, and all transgression. One thing only never faileth—and that is the pure love of Christ."

Amen to that!!

Love you all!
Sister Erika Hales


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