Week 48

Hi again! I can't believe another week has already gone by! Where is the time going?

Last pday was so fun! Some of the elders from the zone came up to McCall and we went on a hike with them! It was gorgeous!

Funny story: we had a lesson with Carolyn and we felt like we should ask her to kneel and pray with us right then and ask God if the Book of Mormon was true. So we knelt down and said "okay Carolyn, will you say the prayer out loud?" She bowed her head in her hands and rested her arms on the coffee table...and stayed silent. So we all looked at each other a little confused but decided we would just wait for a bit cuz ya know, she might just be praying silently?? Well 10 mins later we were still in the same situation and Carolyn hadn't moved an inch. We were trying to figure out what to say, when her dog barked and Carolyn jolted up, looked around very confused and rubbed her eyes. I'm 90% sure she fell asleep. Lolol didnt turn out exactly like we hoped 😂

Good news! Glen gave up not just 1 pot of coffee a day, but 3! So now he's down from 5 to 2! Whoo!! And he said he remembered to read the Book of Mormon this week...coincidence? I think not! ;)

We spent the night in Emmett down in the valley because Sister Udall had a Physical therapy appointment for her back in Star. It was SO fun to be back in my old area for the day! And then we drove through my old area in Meridian as well! My heart was very happy ❤😊

We had district council in Council on a mountain...again. That's my new favorite thing! Except for all the bees...not a fan of those

We all spoke in the Cascade ward yesterday which was fun! And afterwards we had a miracle! We found a new person to teach, Cody, who his 18 and is the coworker of a member. We went to their work (a boat rental place) and had lunch with all the employees and then taught the 1st lesson. It was definitely different but SO GOOD! I got the chance to recite the 1st vision (which is my favorite thing in the entire world) and the spirit was so strong it was almost tangible. Cody felt it. Everyone in the room felt it. It was undeniable the feelings that we all got in that moment. For sure one of the coolest experiences I've ever had!

Then that night we went to visit a lady who might be interested in learning more and she asked us "why is the Book of Mormon important or different from anything else I've read? Why should I read it?" Uhh yes girl yes we can answer that 👌 (hint: the answer is found below)

Joseph Smith said in his words,
"I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"

I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that he forsook all, gave up his life so that we could have the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth once again. I LOVE my Savior and I LOVE being Sister Hales!

Love y'all!
Sister Erika Hales

ps transfers are next week so I wont be emailing until Tuesday! Cant believe another transfer has already flown by!

Sister Hansen my "granddaughter" ( Sis Hopkins' greenie)

Morning run 

Studying by the lake

Lucile, ID one of our favorite spots in the area


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