Week 54


Me and Sister Bentley are just so happy! Literally we go, go, go and smile, smile, smile! We have no doubts from this week that this is God's work, we are meant to be here and God will answer prayers.

It was a very humbling week and like I said, it made me realize who the boss is here and it's definitely not me. God is in charge! He is nearer than we think and very aware of each of us and the situations we're placed in.

I'm also very grateful for promptings/warnings from the spirit. We had a not so great lesson that we honestly shouldn't have gone through with (i kept feeling weird about it but stubborn me wanted to teach this person so badly, so I brushed the promptings aside...i've repented and tried to follow through with every little thing that could possibly be a prompting to make up for this)
It was an experience that reminded me how lucky I am to have the spirit with me 24/7 because as soon as the lesson started, the spirit was gone soo fast (it was no bueno) and the stark contrast was honestly frightening.

However, we were blessed with an extra dose of the spirit afterwards to calm us and remind us that God is near and He's in charge. Don't worry, I learned my lesson and I won't try to fight what God knows is best next time.

We were able to have a good visit with Carolyn! We met her at the FHC and got her set up doing some family history. She loved It!

We also read the Book of Mormon with Linda this week. We sat outside on her porch steps and read Ether 12 while her dog snuggled up next to me. It was so simple yet is ingrained in my mind forever. The weather was beautiful and the spirit was gentle yet so powerful.

Also!! We had a lesson with Glen and his fellowshipper came along and bore his testimony of Jesus Christ and the most amazing thing happened! This tough mountain rancher man CRIED! He felt the spirit and though he may never admit to getting emotional, we all saw it and it was ahhhmazing!

Something good is about to happen here in McCall. Satan is trying reeeaallll hard right now which is v annoying but its okay bc that just tells me that something great is just around the corner!

1 Nephi 3:7
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

I know the Lord magnifies those he calls. He always prepares a way for his work to be done. I know I'm in McCall for a reason, and I know that if we just keep working hard that we'll see miracles!

Your favorite sister missionary,
Sister Erika Hales


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