Week 67


You get an email from me today AND the family gets a Skype call tomorrow!! What could be better than hearing from me twice in a week?! 💁‍ 'tis a merry Christmas indeed :)

This week was full of lots of meetings, Christmas lights, caroling, and food!

But my favorite part was seeing my dear friend and past companion, Sister Bentley! She and sister Blood had a convert go through the temple, so we had dinner together and she told me all about my beautiful McCall ❤

You've all probably heard that sister missionaries can now wear dress PANTS! I wish that this announcement was made a few weeks ago when we were biking in skirts in the freezing weather. Lolol I love all the adjustments being made to help further the work of the Lord!!

Also shoutout to my gma who ordered me a pizza for Christmas! That's true love right there❤

Fun news: we had around 50 less actives/non members come to church yesterday! Whoo!!

Hey peepz, listen up! I hope y'all have a super duper merry Christmas! But more importantly, I hope you can see the Christ in Christmas as you give as He gave.

If you haven't talked to missionaries before, DO IT! They have a precious message to share, especially this time of year. One that is very dear to me.

I love you all! Here's a cool scripture for ya

Mormon 9:27
"O then despise not, and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart..."

Sister Erika Hales


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